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Networked Learning Conference 2024

Networked Learning Conference 2024

NLC2024 - UM Valletta Campus

The fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2024) took place in Malta from 15-17 May 2024

The NLC2024 conference themes were:

  • Digital futures and environmental renaissance (e.g., sustainability, the need for degrowth in digitalization, well-being issues and perspectives in networked learning, rewilding networked learning ecologies, networked learning, environment and climate change)
  • Artificial intelligence, learning analytics and emergent digital technologies (e.g., the role of AI, learning analytics, immersive technologies, generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), mixed realities, mobile technologies for networked learning)
  • Ethical and responsible innovation and research (e.g., privacy, surveillance, inclusion, criticality, equity and social justice, relational pedagogies, eco pedagogies)
  • Spaces, places and modalities for networked learning (e.g., online, blended, hybrid, boundless), design, implementation and evaluation of networked learning
  • Networked learning in formal, non-formal and informal contexts of learning and development across the lifespan (e.g., early childhood, school, higher education, professional development, community learning, large-scale and small-scale open courses)
  • Theory and theorisation advancing the field of networked learning

NLC2024 keynotes

NLC2024 keynote speakers profiles

Networked Learning Conference Organisation